Principle Message

Dear Visitors,

On behalf of the children and staff, I’d like to welcome you to Alpha Academy Website.

We are a school which believes in the value of every child and adult who enters our doors. We want all those who become part of our school community, whether a child or an adult, to feel valued, happy, respected and to recognise their role in continuing to make our school ‘Outstanding’.

We believe that all children who become pupils at our school deserve the best and our aim is to help them succeed by achieving their potential in every area of school life – academic, social, personal, physical and spiritual. We do this by ensuring that each child has a clear personalised curriculum where they understand their educational journey– where it begins, where it will take them and how to get there!

Within our school we work very hard to create a team of teachers, non-teaching and support staff that will support each child in reaching their potential. Many who visit us comment on the strength of our ‘staff team’ and their shared commitment to help every child in the school achieve their best.

We value the broad and balanced curriculum which our staff offers and all children are able to access not only academic, but creative and physical areas of the National Curriculum fully, so that they receive the highest standard of education.

We hope as you visit our website you will gain a sense of the value that we place in each child and our desire to ensure standards, in all areas, remain as high as possible within the caring and happy community which is Coxhoe Primary School.

We hope that during your visit to our website you will find all that you are looking for! We try to respond to any comments very quickly – so if you find something does not work as you expect or cannot find a link which you are looking for then please let us know. Equally if you know of a website or resource that would be suitable for pupils or teachers then get in touch and we would be happy to evaluate the suggestion for inclusion.

For all enquiries we can be contacted via e-mail at or by telephone on 0120-2785312, 9810814463.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Ms. Priti Ambastha
Head Of School