
House System

  • Phoenix

    Beautiful Fire Birds

  • Hercules

    Great Warior

  • Ursa Major

    Knowledge Of Saga

  • Orion

    Great Hunter

Classes KG to Vth have been divided into four houses with prime objectives of inculcative the quality of leadership, co-operation and sense of team spirit. Various inter-houses activities are organised in order to encourage healthy competition. Each house has a specific uniform.

  • Clubs

    All he students from classes 1st to Vth opt for one club activity of their interests. Each club has a structured curriculum. The club activities are conducted on first three Fridays of each month.

  • Environmental club

  • Literary Club

  • Chief club

  • Art & craft club

    Pre-primary wing has special activities with the aim of building strong basic concepts in their tender formative year.

  • Sports

    Games & sports have always been an integral part of the school curriculum.